Skin Checks in the Workplace – Quick facts you need to know!

With 2 out of 3 Australians expected to be diagnosed with skin cancer before the age of 70, we have one of the highest rates in the world. Given this statistic, businesses should consider adding workplace skin cancer checks into their wellness…

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Skin Checks: How can regular workplace skin checks reduce cancer risk in Australia?

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, a stark reality that underscores the critical importance of awareness and proactive skin checks. This alarming prevalence is primarily due to the country's intense exposure to UV…

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Creating a Healthier Workforce with On-Site Employee Skin Checks

Maintaining the health and well-being of employees goes beyond the traditional healthcare initiatives of flu vaccinations. With one of the highest skin cancer rates in the world, it makes sense for Australian organisations to include skin checks in…

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Everything you need to know about workplace vaccination programs

Everything you need to know about workplace vaccination programs

As a business owner, keeping your employees safe and healthy is one of your priorities, so have you considered implementing a workplace flu vaccination program? Many employers are already offering onsite flu vaccinations for their staff but did you…

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5 Safety Tips for Summer Sun

5 Safety Tips for Summer SunStraight to the point. Australian sun is known to give the name “Skin Cancer Capital of the World” which is why knowing ways to protect yourself from UV rays this summer is highly important. 1.Slip, Slop,…

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Workplace Flu vaccination is a smart investment

Workplace Flu vaccination is a smart investment.Influenza vaccination in the workplace can result in increased productivity and reduced absenteeism among workers.Influenza vaccination programs for healthy working adults may represent a…

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Mark Eustice speaking infront of people about corporate wellness

Corporate Wellness – Mark Eustice

Corporate Wellness - Mark Eustice Mark Eustice Whether you are looking for stories of warning, hope, or success through adversity, Mark’s presentation has it all. After playing 137 games with three different AFL clubs and…

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What is the cost of not being vaccinated?

What is the cost of not being vaccinated? On-Site Flu Vaccinations What is the Influenza (flu) virus? Influenza, or the flu, is caused by a virus which spreads easily from person to person by simply inhaling infected droplets or by…

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