Workplace Employee Wellbeing Programs

BizHealth offers workplace well-being programs in Australia. These programs aim to overall well-being of employees and provide mental, physical and emotional benefits. We have well researched and tailored these programs for corporates and other workplaces.

Workplace Employee Wellbeing Programs

BizHealth offers workplace well-being programs in Australia. These programs aim to overall well-being of employees and provide mental, physical and emotional benefits. We have well researched and tailored these programs for corporates and other workplaces. Contact us today and take the first step in improving health and productivity in your workplace.

Overview about Workplace Mental Wellbeing Sessions

Mental wellbeing has been described by the World Health Organisation as “the state in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”.

In this informative and interactive session, participants will be guided through a 45 – 55 minute informative and interactive session covering topics including:

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Work/Life Balance

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4 Pillars for Good Health

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Emotional signs of Stress/Pressure

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Physical signs of Stress/Pressure

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Long term effects of stress

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Improving Life Management Skills

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45/ 60 minute Health Reset – fine tune your physical and mental health

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Empower your people – Effective communication to create a healthy work environment to improve productivity and motivation

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STRIVE to THRIVE - Busting Burnout

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Learning resilience and self-care in an ever-changing world

A bizhealth consultant taking notes on participants in stress.

– Fuelling your mind and body for optimal performance at work and home.
– Understanding the importance of sleep and the impact it has on physical and mental health.
– The effects of different foods on the gut and brain. (Gut-brain connection).
– Beating the cycle of fatigue.
– Effective goal setting to optimise mental and physical energy.
– Making small changes to make big differences.

– Learning and implementing effective communication skills.
– Understanding the brain – reactive vs proactive behaviours.
– How to stay motivated.
– Identifying toxic workplaces – turning toxicity into positivity.
– Constructive conflict – working through differences to create a positive outcome.
– Encouraging awareness of yourself and those around you.
– Setting boundaries for healthier work relationships.
– Finding meaning and purpose in our work
– Feeling valued and supported at work.
– The importance of emotional connection.

– What does stress look like to you?
– Identifying the signs and symptoms of stress and burnout.
– Understanding the physiological and damaging effects of stress and burnout on your mental and physical health
– Strive to thrive – What does it look like to thrive? How making small changes can help us shift from burnout to thriving.
– How to press pause and when to do it.
– Diet and lifestyle tips to support the nervous system
– Recognising when people need help – How to support someone who’s stressed and burnt out. Asking the right questions.
– Simple breathing exercises to reduce stress and burnout.

– What is resilience?
– Adopting a positive mindset when faced with challenges.
– How to practice daily gratitude.
– The importance of self-awareness.
– How to build self esteem and confidence
– Encouraging disconnection and building connection
– Celebrating the wins.
– Setting boundaries for healthier work relationships.
– Healthy relationships and social connection – creating a better life for you and your family.

Benefits of a Employee Wellbeing Sessions
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Improve productivity

Increase both productivity and engagement

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Positive outlook

Gain a positive outlook towards life

Better health

Build and maintain a healthier workforce

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Identify stress contributors

Identifying and addressing potential stress contributors

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Improve morale

Increase employee morale and confidence

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Improve performance

Increase efficiency and improve employee performance

Mental well-being sessions refer to structured programs and activities designed to promote and maintain your employees’ mental health and well-being in the workplace. These sessions encompass a variety of approaches, including counselling and therapy sessions, stress management workshops, mindfulness and meditation sessions, and emotional intelligence training.
The purpose of mental well-being sessions is to provide your employees with the tools and support they need to take care of their mental health and build emotional resilience. These sessions create a safe and supportive environment where individuals can explore their thoughts, emotions, and concerns, and receive guidance and strategies to manage them effectively.

An individual’s mental well-being is crucial for leading a fulfilling life. It serves as the foundation for overall well-being, impacting relationships, personal growth, and happiness.
Prioritising mental well-being allows individuals to effectively manage stress, make informed decisions, and cope with challenges. It promotes self-awareness, self-compassion, and healthier relationships with ourselves and others. Nurturing an individual’s mental well-being improves emotional regulation, reduces the risk of mental health disorders, and enhances physical health outcomes. It also facilitates personal growth, self-actualisation, and the pursuit of passions.
Prioritising personal mental well-being enables the establishment of healthy habits, effective self-care routines, and a greater ability to navigate life with ease and fulfilment.

– Motivation for employees which improves productivity and reduces absenteeism – Regardless of how much people know about diet and exercise or other topics, I find it’s good for them to have a refresh and a reminder. Sometimes follow on sessions also allow for accountability.
– Sessions bring people together – interaction and connection. Face to face sessions allow people to get to know each other better.
– Generates discussion and allows people to think about where they are at and take stock of their physical and mental health.
– A ‘forced’ break from work allowing you to get away from your desk
(work/life balance/ self-care).
– Education.
– Employees and employers see these sessions as an investment for company and employees.
– Staff retention.

Implementing mental well-being sessions in the workplace yields five clear benefits for both employees and organisations, as follows.
1 Morale and Satisfaction
The BizHealth mental well-being sessions enhance employee morale and satisfaction. When employees feel that their mental health is prioritised and they have access to support and resources, it creates a positive and supportive work environment, leading to increased job satisfaction and motivation.
2 Mental Health Outcomes
Providing your employees with a platform to address and manage their mental health concerns contributes to the prevention and early intervention of mental health issues. These sessions help employees develop coping mechanisms, build resilience, and seek appropriate professional help if necessary.
3 Absenteeism and Presenteeism
BizHealth mental well-being sessions lead to a reduction in absenteeism and presenteeism. That’s because when employees are supported in their mental health journey, they’re less likely to take unnecessary sick leave. They’re also less likely to work while mentally unwell, which can negatively impact their productivity and overall well-being.
4 Retention and Loyalty
It’s also been shown that when organisations invest in mental well-being sessions they experience increased employee retention and loyalty. When employees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to stay with the organisation long-term, reducing turnover rates and associated costs.
5 Teamwork and Collaboration
Mental well-being sessions have been shown to positively impact teamwork and collaboration. Fostering open communication, empathy, and understanding, these sessions promote a culture of mutual support and respect, leading to improved relationships and collaboration among team members.

Employers and colleagues need to be aware of the signs of poor mental well-being to provide appropriate support and intervention.
Behavioural signs of poor mental well-being:
• Changes in work performance and productivity.
• Increased absenteeism or frequent sick leaves.
• Withdrawal from social interactions.
• Uncharacteristic mood swings or irritability.
Emotional signs of poor mental well-being:
• Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or hopelessness.
• Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities.
• Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
• Lack of motivation or energy.
Physical signs of poor mental well-being:
• Frequent headaches, stomach aches, or other unexplained physical symptoms.
• Changes in appetite or sleep patterns.
• Fatigue with low energy levels.
Recognising these signs early helps identify employees who may be struggling with their mental well-being. It’s important to approach these situations with empathy, understanding, and support. Encouraging open dialogue and providing access to mental well-being sessions can be instrumental in helping employees address their concerns and seek appropriate help.

Collaborating with BizHealth provides the expertise and guidance needed to develop and deliver relevant and impactful sessions tailored to the specific needs of your workforce.

This could involve addressing work-related stress, managing work-life balance or enhancing resilience in the face of organisational changes. It can also include building emotional intelligence that leads to effective communications and the successful management of work-related relationships.

It’s important to regularly review the effectiveness of these mental well-being sessions allowing us to gauge their impact and make any necessary adjustments. Gathering feedback from participants, tracking changes in employee satisfaction and engagement, and monitoring key performance indicators related to mental health helps measure the success of the sessions and guide future improvements.

Site Promotion Plan:

BizHealth will work with management to coordinate the most suitable way to run the mental wellbeing sessions at each of your sites. BizHealth will provide a bookings coordinator who will provide all sites with poster, flyers, booking sheets and other material to help run and manage the program effectively.

Site Promotion Plan:

BizHealth will work with management to coordinate the most suitable way to run the mental wellbeing sessions at each of your sites. BizHealth will provide a bookings coordinator who will provide all sites with poster, flyers, booking sheets and other material to help run and manage the program effectively.

Site Promotion Plan:

BizHealth will work with management to coordinate the most suitable way to run the mental wellbeing sessions at each of your sites. BizHealth will provide a bookings coordinator who will provide all sites with poster, flyers, booking sheets and other material to help run and manage the program effectively.

We care, We can

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We care, We can

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