Everything you need to know about workplace vaccination programs

As a business owner, keeping your employees safe and healthy is one of your priorities, so have you considered implementing a workplace flu vaccination program? Many employers are already offering onsite flu vaccinations for their staff but did you know that you can also include COVID-19 vaccinations?
A workplace vaccination program has many benefits for both employers and employees, particularly when the flu and COVID are still highly prevalent within the community.

Employer benefits of a vaccination program

For employers, prioritising the health and safety of employees is a strategy that boosts morale and solidifies your reputation as a caring company. Given that fully vaccinated staff are less likely to take sick leave, this program reduces the likelihood of absenteeism due to illness and saves your company money. Reduced sick leave ensures that productivity is maintained and staff are not overwhelmed with trying to cover for absent personnel.

• Boosts morale.
• Enhances your reputation.
• Reduces sick leave.
• Saves money.
• Maintains productivity.

Employee benefits of a vaccination program

For employees who want to keep their flu and COVID vaccination status up to date, a workplace vaccination program is very convenient. It means they don’t have to organise an appointment in their personal time but can schedule their vaccinations during work time.
Another benefit for employees is that vaccinations help to keep them healthy, as well as their family and colleagues. Many employees feel much happier knowing that their employer takes their health seriously and cares about their welfare.

• Saves time.
• Builds trust.
• Convenient.
• Healthy work culture.

Managing a workplace vaccination program

It’s a good idea to nominate a member of your workplace, health and safety or occupational health team as a vaccination coordinator who can contact BizHealth. Together, we’ll discuss times and schedules, as well as a suitable clinic space where the vaccinations can be administered to your employees.
The more employees participate in the program, the better, so it’s important to schedule the clinics at a time that’s convenient for your staff. This might mean multiple clinics on the same day or different locations to take into account shift workers on multiple sites. You may also consider offering flu and COVID vaccinations to your employee’s families.
• Nominate a vaccination coordinator.

• Contact BizHealth.
• Organise times and schedules.
• Identify a suitable clinic area.
• Offer vaccinations to the families of employees.

Promoting a workplace vaccination program

Once the basic elements of your workplace vaccination program have been arranged with your BizHealth coordinator, you need to promote the program to your employees. BizHealth provides a selection of promotional posters that you can display in communal and high-traffic areas. These posters explain the benefits of the program for employees, along with dates and times and how to make an appointment at the onsite clinic.
You should also inform all senior staff, supervisors and team leaders about the vaccination program and ask them to disseminate the information to their respective teams. If your company already hosts regular employee meetings, you can discuss the program at the next meeting. Alternatively, you can arrange a one-off meeting with your employees to promote the program.
You can also promote the program via your newsletter and your social media sites, as well as send an email to all your staff. If you’re offering vaccinations to employees’ families, you can provide flyers for your employees to take home.

• Display BizHealth posters in prominent locations.
• Inform senior staff about the program.
• Discuss the program at general meetings.
• Promote via newsletters and social media.

Encouraging compliance with a vaccination program

For a successful onsite flu vaccination program, you might need to encourage your employees’ participation. One way is to ensure that your employees know that these vaccinations are freely available and at no cost to employees. Another option is to create a competitive atmosphere where the department with the most participants wins a specific prize, for example, a coffee machine.
It’s also a good idea if senior staff are vaccinated first, simply to help encourage employees who might be reluctant to participate. As the program progresses, you can provide weekly updates on the percentage of employees who have participated in the program. This may encourage some of the more reluctant employees to get on board since others have already participated.
Also, you can send everyone a text or email letting them know the date and location of the next clinic and if there are any appointments available on that day.

• Create a competitive environment.
• Inform employees that the vaccinations are free.
• Encourage senior staff to participate in the program.
• Post weekly updates on participation numbers.
• Email all staff about the program.

BizHealth corporate workplace vaccination programs

As an authorised member of VAPP (Vaccine Administration Partners Program, BizHealth can administer COVID vaccinations in the workplace. We also provide onsite RAT tests for asymptomatic employees, as well as flu vaccinations.
Immunisations are one of the biggest ways of preventing the spread of COVID-19 and the flu in your workforce. As the leading provider of workplace vaccination programs in Australia and NZ, BizHealth helps keep your employees safe and healthy.

We offer On-site Flu Vaccination Programs for workplaces and corporates. Our leading Workplace Flu Vaccination Program is offered in all of Australia and New Zealand including major cities like MelbourneSydneyBrisbane, Perth, Canberra, Adelaide and Gold Coast.

For more information on organising a  corporate flu vaccination program for your company, call BizHealth on 03 9867 5003 or send us an email.